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(1st play) Adventures of Lolo 3 Part 6 (final)


Ossu Minna! I'm taking a short break from Fire Emblem. Today, instead, I'm playing Adventures of Lolo 3! This is an action/puzzle game, and I have never played it before!

If you were looking for Fire Emblem 3, that run will continue this evening.I speak English and (some) Japanese; please come and chat as we play this game! 英語も日本語もわかります。

Age: 30歳
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Skype: n/a
アメリカ人ですが、少し日本語が分かります。我がの放送はレトロゲームなのです。I'm an American who understands some Japanese. My broadcasts are retro video games.ニコ生コミュ: co1286632Twitter:@animenewscookieスカイプ:なし存在場所:群馬県とペンシルベニア州の間(茨城県)