・北九州市中学生殺傷事件 容疑者の男「目が合いバカにされたと思った」
・ペットショップ経営者 従業員への性的暴行を初公判で否認
・宮崎で震度5弱 福岡県内への被害なし 服部知事「地震の備え再確認を」
RKBニュースのWEBサイトは、テレビの放送時刻に関わらず、取材後に速やかに配信。いつも最新のニュースを発信しています。あわせてご覧ください →→ https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/list/rkb
◆お昼のニュース 12:00ごろ
◆夕方のニュース 19:15ごろ
This LIVE channel delivers the latest news from Kyushu. Missed TV news or don't have a TV nearby? Don't worry, this LIVE channel is here for you.
Whenever there is a major event, disaster, or a special press conference by the governor, we switch to live broadcast immediately. Through this channel, you can keep up with what's going on in Fukuoka and Saga.
RKB Mainichi Broadcasting, the flagship station of the JNN affiliate, provides daily coverage of politics, economy, disasters, incidents, and accidents based in Fukuoka and Saga. Since July 4, 2022, RKB Mainichi Broadcasting has been broadcasting terrestrial TV programs on the Internet immediately after the broadcast.
The RKB News website is always up-to-date with the latest news. Please visit the website as well →→ https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/list/rkb