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このモデリングの詳細と角度図:iwara:https://www.iwara.tv/profile/2760450918bilibili:https://space.bilibili.com/102655243(各話のキャラクターはそっくりで、修正や変更はありません。もしあなたが急に良い感じになったら、それはきっとあなたの審美が改善されたからです。モデルは変わりません。ご自身おめでとうございます。)本を出版して、協力関係を探したいんです。模型や美学人体の構造芸術に関することです。私はモデルの流派を作りました:急進的な美学。Email:leodmc@vip.qq.comqq:406093スペア:2760450918I don't choose website platforms. Wherever the global media can help me upload successfully, I will upload the video to them. I won't promote to others to use a certain media. There are some social tools that I can't successfully register for, and YouTube has maliciously banned my account. The reason is that I uploaded a private sex animation that was only visible to myself. Pixiv also maliciously banned my upload function. I did mosaic processing, but the reason was that the images were too realistic. Twitter and Patreon have no views and are unable to upload long videos and multiple images. So I use Bilibili and Niconico to upload long video animations. And some videos may also be rejected on these two websites. We media platforms such as Kwai and qq short video will be used.