無能声犬 を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー145


  • フォロワー22

    eugene328です。主にUTAUカバー曲を作成しております。 個人簡介 / About me:中文: 不專業的V家/U家調教師(以調翻為主),由於niconico有上傳空間限制,因此會將點閱率低、評價較低或較早以前上傳的影片刪除,若造成各位不便敬請見諒,刪除之影片可至我其他頻道觀看。EN: An unprofessional Vocaloid / UTAU Manipulator (mostly do cover).There is a limit for upload to niconico, so some of the video uploaded earlier had been removed, hope you guys understand it. The deleted video can be found in my other channels. ※僕は日本語が苦手です。Please use Chinese or English to contact with me, thank you. Also, please do not reprint my videos to other places without my agreement (except the reprinted videos).My other channels:YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaDAbF0T-QEw6FVG-wju0dw bilibili: http://space.bilibili.com/7036969 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/eugene_328 odysee: https://odysee.com/@eugene328:4c4fd7aab54922852988339298bff21c956f2d42mp3 download links:MEGA: https://mega.co.nz/#F!6U9QkDxa!5vMSbM0KJt3Aen5zGenwNg MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/dy276en9gnox5 百度雲(Baidu Cloud): https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s7Y4ANzwtKJf5nW6j183jg

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