which do you like を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー51

    Hi!! Im May or Metra-philia, which one you like more. I speak Spanish, English and Im studing Japanese. I hope you like what i do. I wish i could get along with everyone

  • フォロワー2

    こんにちは、私の名前はクリムソンです。プロのバカです.ここに英詩があります:Born in the hot summer 45degrees cWas fed earl grey instead of milkFrom early age had interest in musicYet thy was young and a little bit fussyAs I grown I adapted pessimismWith a bit of overwhelming narcissismYet I stand here before you so won’t you try?Listen to my songs and please don’t cry.(like in general because ther is no reason to do so)I don’t know lol, I’ve wrote this lame poem to fill the void in this page.But yeah, please give my content a try I can gurantee it won’t make you die.(unless it does which then “disclaimer: I am not responsible for yer actions lol”)

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