probably because を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー1

    初めまして、QRN(キュー・アル・エノ)なずけますよ。アメリカ人です。あまり分かりません。日本語を学びますから。 Just a viewer, these days. A relatively normal, slow-to-japanese viewer. Who probably shouldn't even be on this site because of that. And doesn't know what's even going on half the time. But I am learning, now, so I can at least try a tiny bit, aye? Yep, yep.

  • フォロワー0

    Above all: Do No Harm. Baby Yoda stuck in authoritarianism, ; n ; Seriously, I am too stupid to understand regular Japanese anyways, mostly because they lobotomize me often here for liking not otaku-mono, probably next friday/saturday again too. Can I get some suicide squad stuff? or better yet, some CAD$ so I don't have to resort to hurting others. They're training crows here as war birds. A group of crows is called a murder. I don't 'speak' crow, it's more nausicaa-ish. They got my testicles tide to a debt bill and I am amazed my video here even uploaded. Everything but rice sucks for me. I legit don't want to hurt anybody. How can I make myself profitably useful? or okay with the blood of "cu chulainn" Viruses (in/from india/taiwan/indonesia/austrailia) people often & all over.

    キーワード probably because を含む番組はありません