ミー を含む生放送が 4 件 (4番組) 見つかりました ( 1 - 4 件目を表示 )

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  • フォロワー3

    17才Webb(ウェッブ)です。よろしく日本語を勉強していますから、間違いがあったらごめんね!English is my first language, so if I make any mistakes in my Japanese please let me know!Twitterはこちら https://twitter.com/Webb_soundsYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIgRCcJfpQyOtCuaciA0WAg

  • フォロワー2

    Good evening, niconico! I am Y-KYHON. Thank you very much for having me! To put it simply, I sing! My current setup is very inconvenient, so the quality is a little worse than I could do. I have to go back and forth between two computers, so I'm a little unmotivated to go back and fix errors... but that's a very poor excuse. I'm sorry. I'll try harder from now on anyway. All music, artists, vocals and lyrics are © their respective owners. I try to make sure everyone involved is credited properly. If I don't know the original owner, I will say it's unknown. If you have any of the missing credits, please let me know and I'll correct it. If you are the owner of any of the material seen in any of the videos uploaded to this account and feel it is being wrongfully used, please let me know and I'll remove it.