life is a game を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー511

    Most likely, I spend my time on Miiverse (SmashLuigi64) (Yay for stupid name), playing the 3DS & Wii U, searching art on DA, reading manga, & watching videos anime or game related. :'| My only wish is to become better at drawing. Most likely my fav PKMNs are Greninja, Lucario, Gardevoir, and some more from the 6th, 4th, and 3rd Gens. Fav Animes: 1: ひぐらしのなく頃に (When They Cry) 2: エルフェンリート (Elfen Lied) 3: はたらく魔王さま! (The Devil is a Part Timer!) 4: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! (or for short, Watamote!) 5: 日常 (My Ordinary Life) 6: 撲殺天使ドクロちゃん (Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan) Fav Gaming Franchises: 1: 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ (Super Smash Bros. ) 2: 初音ミク: Project DIVA & Mirai series 3: ポケモン&不思議のダンジョンシリーズ (Pokémon & Mystery Dungeon series) 4: ファイアーエムブレム (Fire Emblem series) 5: どうぶつの森 (Animal Crossing series) 6: ファンタジーライフ (Fantasy Life) Pretty much, the majority of music I listen is VOCALOID, can't get enough of it. (Freakin' 裏表ラバーズ...) Hope you enjoyed reading my stupid profile crap. :blush: Here's my FC for the 3DS, (3222-6980-6144 - Kira) You can call me Kira or Kira-Kun. (I mostly like portray myself as (Mii) Swordsman, and a Greninja in Smash...)

  • フォロワー21

    aaiiuueeoo all、appendix、articles of faith、the assassinators、bad religion、betercore、browny circus、buzzcocks、chopper、colored ricemen、completed exposition、confuse、conga fury、creepshow、crunch、curioso、the death of anna karina、despise you、didjits、dipleg、donky vegetable boxxx!!!、drive like jehu、dropdead、DYS、D.O.A、D.R.I、eiefits、ekkaia、envy、exit condition、exclaim、eurich、the fans、fasts、flash gordon、forget me not、the format、the futures、gauze、germs、giant haystacks、googol plex、gorilla biscuits、greenmachine、gudon、guyana punch line、hella、hellnation、heresy、himo、his hero is gone、husker du、i excuse、indigesti、infest、infro、inner conflict、insane youth、intense degree、isterismo、jaga jazzist、jellyroll rockheads、johns town aloha、joy、karmella's game、killie、kite flying society、knuckle head、kodan armada、koro、kulara、l!ef、la quiete、le volume etait au maximum、life sentence、lip cream、the locust、los crudos、the lost lyrics、the lost patrol band、love lost but not forgotten、life...but how to live it、man ★ friday、the manikins、mega city four、melt-banana、minor threat、minority blues band、mob 47、mojakka、my precious、napalm、navel、neon christ、nice view、nightmare、no comment、no fun at all、no value、nukey pikes、orchid、order、out of touch、outo、pg.99、paintbox、palatka、parasites、pear of the west、petrograd、the phantom surfers、piggies、point of few、pointed sticks、portrait、portraits of past、post regiment、pridebowl、puffball、raein、raw power、refused、ripcord、school jackets、seein' red、servo、the sexual、siege、signal lost、siobhan、sk8niks、skimmer、slam pirates、slight slappers、sloppy seconds、snatcher、sofa head、sonic surf city、the sons of saturn、spazz、the sprouts、ss、the stool pigeons、stupid babies go mad、sugar stems、swarrrm。sxoxb、systematic death、T.S.O.L、this world is mine、thunderbirds are now!、to dream of autumn、tomorrow、tragedy、trainwreck、trikorona、tsunami bomb、the unlovables、viernes 13、vivisick、wasted youth、welcome the plague year、what ever film、what-a-night's、worthwhile way、wretched、wrong day to quit、xbrainiax、yaphet kotto、you and i、zdzis law、zeke、あぶらだこ、一家心中、キウイロール、奇形児、屍、赤痢、デラシネ、日本脳炎、不幸、無我、血眼、1000 travels of jawaharlal、1981、3cmtour、7 seconds、97a とかよく聞いてます

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