information technology を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー1

    Profile update: I admitted that I already stopped making contents on this account in favor of going back to making contents to my YouTube channel but most importantly, I should have updated my profile super-soon to match my current profile info. A lot had already changed starting with using different tools for making unofficial remixes, making gameplay videos of games obtained from stores, etc. Lastly, I was disillusioned enough with the state of the S**ic franchise that I exited the fanbase in 2019. Despite that, there will be future mashup remixes of songs from those games although it doesn't mean I'm supporting that franchise with them.Prior to actual DJing days, he has been making remixes of game music as a bedroom producer as a hobby. Other interests include Information Technology & Indie Game Development.

  • フォロワー0

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