よろです。 ついったー→https://twitter.com/kisakioto ぴくしぶ→https://pixiv.me/user_dtws8422 パウー(マストドン)→https://pawoo.net/web/getting-started
よろです。 ついったー→https://twitter.com/kisakioto ぴくしぶ→https://pixiv.me/user_dtws8422 パウー(マストドン)→https://pawoo.net/web/getting-started
おはようございますとこんばんは!She is Bri, and he is BonuPHIde. We are a couple living in Minnesota, and planning on moving to Japan. We started learning Japanese together in early 2021, and are having soooo much fun. Our plan is to spend this year getting comfortable speaking basic Japanese and then move to Japan in 2022. Come laugh with us while we learn...and look out for our sneaky cats.Bri: As we get better, I can't wait to order off a menu written only in Japanese.BonuPHIde: I can't wait to read One Piece without translations, and be able to rewrite this bio in Japanese.行きましょう!
キーワード getting started を含む番組はありません
9月6日(土)「Enjoy.scala」をテーマに、日本最大級の Scala のカンファレンスである「Scala祭」が開催されます。ニコニコ生放送では、A・B2会場にて行われる「Scala祭」の模様を生中継いたします。