expressive を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー170

    音楽バンドのイーゼル芸術工房とまいどリームスとハンバーガールZが、まじめに音楽してみたりパーティーをしたりと毎日ちょっと笑えるバラエティー動画をお届けするチャンネルです!! 【イーゼル芸術工房とは】 イーゼル芸術工房は、大阪府柏原市と東京都小金井市を拠点にひとつ屋根の下で暮らしたりしているジャズバンド、動画配信チームです。 通天閣のアイドル『まいどリームス』と『ハンバーガールZ』のプロデュース、そして西日本ハンバーガー協会と日本鍋料理協会の運営を行っております。 Please subscribe us !! チャンネル登録はこちらから→ 『Eことスイッチ』をよろしくお願いいたします!! We are a group of artists, a muisc bando, and a video transmission team that live in Osakaof Japan together and earn our living by only expressive activities from 2009. We do the concert tour all over Japan too. As it happens, we met Steaven Tylar : AERO SMITH and played music together in August 2013. In addition, he invited us for his concert. Hexalted us and said "You are cool and emotional."  *Image that is reflected on the screen , not religious , is the second generation Billiken who is a tower of mascot character called Tsutenkaku in Osaka of Japan . [ website ]  [ youtube ]  [ itunes ] ←アルバム配信中  [ facebook ]  [ twitter ] 

  • フォロワー0

    Ya ho~! You can call me Mark or Mikachan if ya don't wanna call me AKIBA99999 or Akikun. I love listening to Japanese music because it radiates a unique color which other genres do not. It is both expressive and innovative as well~ waaay! ふふふふ I am an amateur musician and 間違いないオタクだぞ! `o`)/ I see music through colors... same on how I look on people. Every person emits a certain color that makes them and their music unique... and yes, I did sound weird with what I've just said. I play music in an unorthodox manner. I value expressiveness and creativity more than discipline and the so called "norms" in making music. I love watching harem and comedy animes!!! xD INORI FANBOY!!!! Kyaa~~! Skype ID: ryo99999

    キーワード expressive を含む番組はありません