even though を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー30

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KirarinSept DeviantArt: http://kirarinku.deviantart.com Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=5918809 YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/GlitterKiraPika Hello, my name's Liên! I am a Vietnamese but I currently live in France! I was a MMD user in the past but now I have retired from using the program. I'm an illustrator now, even though I don't upload my arts here but you can see them on my deviantArt! And I won't use niconico much! I keep it here since I still want my old works to be shared and enjoyed by many users ^^

  • フォロワー8

    私はリヒテンシュタイン人です。 日本語そして英語を勉強中。 英語そしてドイツ語喋ります。 私は事前にごめんなさい、 任意のミスのために。 I'm a Liechtensteiner. I'm currently studying Japanese and English, (even though I'm good at English, there is some vocabulary I don't understand) I can speak English and German. If I make any mistakes, I must apologise. Ich bin aus Liechtenstein. Ich studiere Englisch und Japanisch. Ich spreche Englisch und Deutsch. Twitter ID = @kolkol_kol DeviantART ID = KolKol--Kol Tumblr ID = kolkorukol

    キーワード even though を含む番組はありません