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  • フォロワー112


  • フォロワー67

    Just an American that REALLY REALLY likes playing Project DIVA games. Even people my age can be good at Project DIVA. ^_^ 英語でお願いします。I have a very scattershot understanding of the Japanese language, so I will only get (or communicate) vague ideas and short phrases. Find me on Google+ @ Find me on Twitter @ I came to Nico Nico Douga to escape YouTube's ridiculous ContentID system. I wasn't expecting YouTube to make such horrible decisions afterwards. My views on Nico Nico Douga have taken off while my YouTube views have plunged off a cliff. My views on Nico Nico Douga have overtaken my views on YouTube, despite YouTube having 9-month head start and a handful of impressive view counts on my earliest videos. YouTube has fallen into the gutter because Established Media hounded YouTube until it caved in. If Nico Nico Douga wants to take a crack at YouTube, it can do so at any time. Profile Image Credit(プロフィール画像クレジット):Asutora(あすとら) @