cosplaying を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー4

    個人間での企画運営や歌唱などを趣味にしています。歌を主に掲載していくアカウントHello!My name is silk.  I love singing and cosplaying. I would be grateful if you could subscribe to the channel.YouTube▶▶

  • フォロワー3

    Hi! I'm Vinar Takumi. Welcome to my channel! Enjoy listening and watching my videos! If you like my videos you can leave a comment, like and subscribe. Feel free to message me for any inquiries. Birthday is on June 22. Twitter: Instagram: Member of Pinoy Gendounians, Pinoy Utaite, Anibeat Rocks!, StarSix, Seiteki, Strange Orange and Hello Tomodachi. They are my group in real life. I LOVE LiSA I love fripSide I love visual kei bands GazettE and ViViD I love Pokota & Gackt. Fan of Arashi too. Fan of Utaite and cosplayers My online chorus/singing group: 【Melodic Radiance - Gakupo】 Vinar 『びなる』: -Melodic Radiance -Vocasexy -Fools Paradise -Lunatic Illusion -Supasuta Studio -Houkago★Delight! -anuziʞ絆 -Sexy Hoomans -エクストラライス!!! I love: - Eating - Singing - Basketball - Badminton - Surfing the Internet - Watching Anime - Cosplaying - Work - Friends - Dogs and Cats - Blue - And many more.

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