coming to america を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


  • フォロワー0

    Kingston Blues was founded in Cadiz by Jose, Alberto and Rocko. The key members of the band met on the Jazz course of the University of Cadiz and decided to merge their passion for music, and particularly Jazz, Reggae and Funk. Kingston Blues is a mix of Jazz, Reggae, Funk and Soul with its repertoire including some of the greatest Jazz classic as well as Ska or Blues. Jaco Pastorius, Herbie Hancock and the Abyssinians are some of the artists whom they are doing a rather original cover up. The band also has its own compositions. A first album is expected to be released sometimes this year. With origins lying in Martinique and the UK, Rocko is the main vocalist and bass player of the quartet. A former sound system MC in the UK (Rise and Shine Sound), he brings a Dance-Hall and Reggae touch to the band as well as playing bass and percussions. A talented musician, composer and writer, Alberto “Cowboy” is from Vigo in the north of Spain. Having grown up with Jimmy Hendrix and BB King as his heroes, he is the main guitarist of the band as well as playing the harmonica. Born in Cadiz, Jose "Captain Joe" is the only member originally from Andalucía. Coming from an Hard Rock background, he has smoothed his style and mellowed it to Jazz and Blues at the University of Cadiz where he met all the other members of the band. As well as –playing the guitar, he plays bass, writes and composes songs. The creative of the band, he also looks after all the design, videos and marketing of the band. The youngest member of the band, Gonzalo “Gran Gon” was born in Uruguay. After playing with a string of rock bands in South America, he joined Kingston Blues shortly after he moved away from his native land and hasn’t looked back since. In 2012 the band has welcomed two new members, Fernando a brillant saxophone player and Veronica a recognised Jazz singer.

    キーワード coming to america を含む番組はありません

  • 公開終了


    先日ヨーロッパツアーから帰国し、今年は南米、北米、日本ツアーとまさにワールドワイドな活動をしているKAMIJO!今回はヨーロッパツアーの様子や、昨年12月に行われたAiiA Theater Tokyoのライブ映像など盛り沢山の内容でお送りします!さらに番組内で20周年にふさわしい発表も行われるので、皆さん絶対にお見逃し無く!!!! 番組本編後にプレミアム会員だけが視聴できる、シークレットコーナーをご用意!このコーナーを視聴したい方は、番組エンディングまでに、プレミアム会員に登録してお待ちください!