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  • 新人Vtuberユニットの「めてお〜る」です!おうたの天使めてお〜るとは?ドイツ語で「流れ星」という意味を持つ「Meteor」が語源です。世界中におうたの魔法を降り注がせてみんなを笑顔にしたい、という願いを持った女の子「花房くるみ」「深溟つもる」「日輪見あきら」の3人が魔法天使系Vtuber「おうたの天使」に変身し、今日も世界を笑顔いっぱいに変えています。What is Outa no Tenshi Metero~ru?The word "Meteor" is derived from the German word "Meteor" meaning "shooting star".Three girls, Kurumi Hanahusa, Tsumoru Fukaumi, and Akira Hiwami, who have a wish to make everyone smile by pouring down the magic of songs all over the world, transform themselves into magical girls and change the world full of smiles today.什么是歌唱天使 "Mete-o-lu"?流星 "这个词来自德语 "Meteor",意思是 "流星"。三个女孩 - 花房りるむRirumu Hanahusa、深溟つもるTsumoru Fukaumi 日輪見あきらAkira Hiwami - 希望通过将歌曲的魔力倾泻到世界各地来使每个人微笑,她们变成了神奇的天使Vtubers,即 "歌曲的天使",在改变充满微笑的世界。めてお〜る公式Twitter :ニコニコ:☆メンバー☆花房くるみTwitter :ツイキャス:深溟つもるTwitter :ツイキャス:日輪美あきらTwitter :ツイキャス:

  • フォロワー2

    AESTINY[ Electronic Music Producer / DJ / Artist ]Aestiny is an Electronic Music Producer, DJ, Songwriter & Artist from a small town in Texas, USA.Aestiny is known for his stylistic melodic bass tracks & heavy hitters. His music ranges from a variety of genres/bpms also while breaking & blending them together at the same time.[Inspirations] It started from the 90s to early 2000s era of music ranging from Video Game Soundtracks, Japanese Electronic Music, Euro Dance, Jungle/Drum & Bass,Hardcore & many many more.VIDEO GAME INSPIRATIONS(Nights Into Dreams/XCom Enforcer/Phantasy Star Universe/MechWarrior/Sonic/Turok ect ect ect[Creation] At the start he didn't immediately start making music, it was a journey for him to develop/learn/study & hone in on his skills as a musician.After the years he eventually started to create the music that is very dear to him as an artist.First publishing his first official collaborative album " GAMBATTE " with the Music Artist [Love Jester] in 2019 under the name [AVEST]Shortly after that he released his first official album " So... " in 2019 under the name Aestiny which was met with great response within the community.It all soon drove him into the direction within his music career, passion & love• Align with heaven’s agenda• Overcome fear of the future• Find your purpose and thrive in a cycle of change.

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