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    K I S A is a young and creative person. She’s so bright and colorful, you might think she stepped straight out of anime, but in fact, there’s real and honest experiences and creativity under the flash. A girl who hides her eyes and protects her inner world from prying eyes and, in doing so, keeps herself real and sincere enough to create her songs. We can’t see her eyes but we do see her thoughts through her creativity. This is her view of the world. KISA appeared on one of Russia’s music shows called “PESNI” (SONGS) where she impressed not just the audience in the hall but the judges as well. One of which even said “this is the first time I actually stuck a full performance in the show since it began.” The songwriter’s song “You & Me,” which was performed on the show, immediately rocketed up the charts on Apple Music. The quality of her music is so strong, people have even assumed that KISA is a foreign performer. She hides her face behind long bangs of colorful wigs, which the singer changes up like gloves. She’ll appear in a dark blue wig and then in the next moment, you’ll see her in pink, yellow, or even pink and yellow. The singer believes in luck in life and work and always carries a lucky Japanese teddy bear, whom is often photographed with her. KISA is currently signed with the international music label Sony Music Entertainment Russia and is currently recording her debut album, which will be available in both Russian and English. Instagram: VK: Facebook: For booking and cooperation:

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