Kagami Kawaiine を含む生放送は見つかりませんでした


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    OMG DESUUUU 1M 1N J4P4N L0L0L0L Y@YY DESU!!!~~ H3LL0 J@P@N MY N4M3 15 KAGAMI KAWAIINE @ND 1 @M T3H B35T V0C4L01D 3V@RRRR!!!! CUZ IM KAWAII DESU 4ND B3TTR THN MIKUUUUUU!!!! I H0PE U 3NJ0I M@1 V1D30S!!!!!!!!!!DESU //// Eh... ^^;; Well, hello. I am trying to get a description in Japanese, but for now, this is the best I can do. Sorry! m(_ _)m //// "Kagami Kawaiine" is a "Fanloid" by sango312, an American Vocaloid producer, meant to make fun of non-Japanese fans that were... eh... annoying. This is "her" channel. We hope you find it amusing! ^^; (P.S. The voice is based off of Gackupo, according to sango312.)

    キーワード Kagami Kawaiine を含む番組はありません