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  • フォロワー45

    Thank you. If you interested in, please subscribe/follow YouTube and Automated Playlist too. YouTube video is usually more high quality HD edition with detailed explanation. English translation and explanation are usually in Closed Caption (CC) at YouTube. Please turn ON CC from setting of YouTube. Some video have Chinese (中文) CC. *I may upgrade video. Please find LATEST edition in YouTube. ●もしお気に入りましたらチャンネルフォロー登録をお願いします.テスト中のため自分で動画を更新する可能性もあります YouTube側に高画質版と詳細記載と字幕(CC)等があります.字幕の CCは設定ボタンでONにする必要があります ●YouTube & Nico Nico and Automated Playlist http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzIFJBnmsDjWbSA7t0-PjqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAtmBds4KAUpy8nG8OhiC6ZCOSBvCeq-e http://youtu.be/TPUwbW4CLSU ●自動再生プレイリスト(提携者等含む) : Nico Nico Automated Playlist :http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/60415628 ご覧頂きどうもありがとうございます Thank you very much for watching FB:https://www.facebook.com/panda.tomoyam Tw: https://twitter.com/Panda39391

  • フォロワー83


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